MidiMaze Utilities
MidiMaze and MidiMaze II are programs that were written for the Atari ST a number of years ago. MidiMaze II is still played in many places, but the freeware version will only run the original mazes that it shipped with. The MidiMaze Utilities allow you to convert between MidiMaze and MidiMaze II mazes, as well as converting MidiMaze II mazes to a text file that you can edit, and create MidiMaze II mazes that work with the freeware version.
To use the MidiMaze Utilities, you need Windows 95 or NT; a text editor is recommended.
MidiMaze and MidiMaze II are/were properties of SigmaSoft.
Thanks to Jim Beecher for contacting Markus and Markus Fritze for the secret of decoding the .MZE file format.
MidiMaze Utilities 32 Version 1.3
- mmutil32.zip (28K)
- Readme for online viewing.
Version 1.3 has many changes, including making freeware mazes, making templates, and new debugging switches.
Other Files
- MidiMaze.zip (411K) - If you are having problems, try using this version of MidiMaze and MidiMaze II.
- NewMazes.zip (477K) - This is a maze pack from Markus' web site, deLZHed and ZIPped to make it easier for people with Windows machines. You'll need to run them through MMUTIL32 to make them work in the freeware version of MidiMaze II.
- Spiral.zip (3K) - A new freeware maze: the classic Sprial.
MidiMaze Links
- Markus Fritze - the creator of MidiMaze.
- MidiMaze.de - MidiMaze Fans from its homeland.
- MidiMaze.Atari.org - Adding to MidiMaze II even today.
If you have any comments, questions, or problems, email Technical Support at techsupp@esglabs.com.