April 11, 2023
January 3, 2022
- Pathfinder 2e - Added GM Screen/Reference Pages for Pathfinder Second Edition and Pathfinder Society 2e.
June 14, 2019
May 15, 2019
May 10, 2019
April 30, 2019
April 25, 2019
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Fixed typos in the Goblins Fight! and Gunslinger tents. Fixed Reluctant Priest Salim's Power block in and added Basic trait and duplicate info to the Inquisitor tents.
April 24, 2019
April 23, 2019
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Fixed typos in the Goblins Burn! tents. Added the missing Dart card to the Alchemist CD deck lists. Added Basic trait and duplicate information to the Alchemist and Goblins Burn! tents.
April 22, 2019
April 20, 2019
April 19, 2019
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Fixed Tarlin (Cleric CD), whose Powers boxes had some errors. Updated the deck lists in the Goblins Burn and Monk CD tents. (This time for sure!) Made sure the All Character Tents archive file was up to date.
April 8, 2019
- Welcome to the new site design!
April 29, 2018
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pregens - The Pregens page is now a Web App! The page should still work fine in your web browser, but you can now add it to your device's home screen or put an icon on your desktop/Start menu/etc. and use it offline if you want. (Offline use requires a supporting web browser.)
April 27, 2018
February 25, 2018
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Added deck lists to more tents. Pregens are as complete as currently available and you can now bookmark your favorite pregen+tier.
- Site - We're now available via https.
January 17, 2018
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Fixed incorrect feats in the Oracle CD (Alahazra Wandering Prophet) and Monk CD (Sajan Temple Guardian) tents. Pregens continue to be added to the Pregen page.
December 27, 2017
December 14, 2017
December 10, 2017
December 6, 2017
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Sent Balazar back to Wrath of the Righteous and replaced him with Mummy's Mask Damiel. (Mummy's Mask character tents.)
December 4, 2017
December 3, 2017
December 1, 2017
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Added some design possibilities for alternate PFSACG recording sheets and a reference to the Accessory Perks and Retail Incentives programs. Updated the Bard and Druid tents with deck lists and fixed the name of Angban's Living Cannon Role (Gunslinger CD).
October 12, 2017
- Conventions - Updated the Cons page for 2017-2018. Sorry I didn't make it to Nuke-Con this year.
August 27, 2017
- Realm Works Locations - Added a new button that opens the Temp Folder where RW writes out files when you do View/Edit Externally. (Also where it downloads new version installers.)
January 28, 2017
- Conventions - Apparently when I added my CotN 2017 events I forgot to upload the file. Sorry about that; the Conventions page has now been updated for CotN 2017.
September 26, 2016
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Added tents for the Gunslinger Class Deck, Goblins Fight! Deck, Goblins Burn! Deck, and Tup Promo character. Fixed errors in the Cogsnap (Alchemist CD), Zarlova (Cleric CD), and Gronk (Druid CD) tents.
July 28, 2016
July 24, 2016
July 15, 2016
June 16, 2016
May 24, 2016
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Added Alchemist, Barbarian (missing pictures), Inquisitor, and Oracle Class Deck tents. Added Class Deck icons to all class deck tents.
May 7, 2016
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Fixed skill checkbox errors for Lem (Bard CD), Vika (Fighter CD), and Qualzar (Sorcerer CD). Also fixed cosmetic issues on almost all tent files, but those won't affect your characters.
May 5, 2016
April 28, 2016
April 25, 2016
April 21, 2016
April 14, 2016
February 28, 2016
January 8, 2016
January 7, 2016
January 6, 2016
December 17, 2015
November 14, 2015
- Other Games - Updated Realm Works Locations to 1.2. It can now download Realm Works, rename the Master folder, and delete your preferences and index files.
October 14, 2015
July 22, 2015
- Other Games - Added first versions of our Red Dragon Inn helper cards, dividers, and tracker bars.
January 22, 2015
- Other Games - Added Realm Works Locations, a little app that helps you when Realm Works isn't working.
December 12, 2014
- Pathfinder - Our PFS Purchase Tracker is an Excel spreadsheet you can use instead of the Paizo sheets.
October 14, 2014
- Other Games - Added keep and multiple times to the dice roller.
October 13, 2014
- Conventions - Consolidated my event info into one page for everyone's convenience. Will work on the look.
- Other Games - Put up an HTML Dice Roller for people using Realm Works to use until it has one built-in.
- Paranoia - Caught up to the adventures I've run the last couple of years.
- Paranoia - Updated the Paranoia XP Character Sheet to fix some form issues.
January 28, 2014
- Gen Con - Updated the Gen Con Indy page with this year's event. More may be coming.
March 11, 2013
- Gen Con - Updated the Gen Con Indy page with this year's events. Paranoia returns!
- Pathfinder - Added support for the Hero Lab update reminder feature.
February 27, 2013
- Pathfinder - Never forget what your cards can do with our Carrion Crown Harrow Cards Add-on!
February 13, 2013
- Gen Con - Updated the Gen Con Indy page with this year's events. Paranoia returns!
- Pathfinder - Added a page for Pathfinder Game Aids and our patented Bard Cards.
May 31, 2010
- If you can read this, you're on our new hosting!
April 14, 2010
- Other Games - Added sheets for the Queen's Blade characters Aldra, Alleyne, and Ymir/Yumil. Updated the full packs as well.
April 6, 2009
- Other Games - Added a set of Munchkin Pawn Dungeonquest characters.
September 24, 2008
- Other Games - Fixed two misnamed moves on Nyx's character card. Updated the full Queen's Blade packs with that and the two Queen's Gate characters.
March 28, 2008
- Other Games - Added the first two Queen's Gate characters, Alice and Ink. (They're not in the large pack, though.)
January 9, 2008
- Other Games - The Queen's Blade sheets have been split into individual characters. Duplex versions of each are now available through Melona and Claudette.
October 26, 2007
- Other Games - Added a second Lone Wolf character sheet. This one should be duplex printed and folded over.
October 24, 2007
- Other Games - Added a Lone Wolf character sheet and combat reference.
October 17, 2007
- Other Games - Updated one of the files for the Lost Worlds Queen's Blade series.
- This might be replaced by my gaming blog...in my ample spare time. Sigh.
- There have been other updates to the site that were not noted.
May 16, 2006
- Games - Removed the Car Wars section and added Other Games
- Other Games - Added files for Castle of Magic, Dungeonquest, and the Lost Worlds Queen's Blade series.
February 26, 2006
- Games - Added a section for information about my upcoming Convention Events. The first is for GenCon Indy '06.
July 16, 2005
- Windows Scripts - Added Total Time Played for MAME32, which counts up how much time you've spent playing Pac-Man (or whatever).
May 28, 2005
- Creator Scripts - Added Creator 6 Preferences Extractor, which will back up Creator's preferences for you.
April 24, 2005
- Paranoia - Added missing chapter bookmarks and other useful data to the WJBL4 docs.
September 9, 2004
April 22, 2004
January 30, 2004
- Creator Scripts - Updated Booklet Print for Creator 6.5.6. Now it can change the Facing Pages settings!
- Many minor updates on various pages.
December 11, 2003
- Paranoia Links - Updated! Amazing!
- Paranoia - Added explicit copyright notices to the adventures and downloads pages.
- Paranoia - cleaned up some XHTML problems on various Paranoia subpages.
May 30, 2003
- PostScript or Bitmap? - How to tell if Creator thinks your print driver is PS or Bitmap, and some vague steps for fixing it.
April 7, 2003
- Creator Scripts (Win) - For those without VB, I've converted Creator's type library to a help file and made it available here. I've also included a VBScript file of constants for Creator's enums, which you can't use directly from VBScript.
March 7, 2003
- Windows Scripts - Three new scripts and one updated one. Turn off the Image Preview, Image Summary, or .avi Summary extensions, or walk a folder hierarchy.
February 28, 2003
February 25, 2003
- Paranoia Adventures - Now includes information on all seven With Jumpsuit, Badge, and Laser adventures. Also, the files for WJBL4 were revised slightly.
February 17, 2003
January 30, 2003
- Main - Debuted the slightly rearranged and updated ESG Labs, with all main pages XHTML 1.1 compliant! (Personal pages haven't been redone yet.)
- CtrlrMaker - Helps you make the files to put into the MAME ctrlr directory.
- NASCAR 2002 - Cars for this great racing game.
- Creator Scripts (Mac) - Make Menu Item shows you how to add a menu item for a script.
- History - Moved all pre-2003 updates to the History page.
December 13, 2002
- Updated Creator 6 Snippets (Windows): A bug was reported in the Border in Black and Photo Border scripts; fixes are now available.
- Updated Creator 6 Snippet (Windows): The package of updated scripts has been updated to include Change Case and the Border script fixes.
- Updated Creator 6 Snippet (Mac): A new version of Mask with Shape is available. It will always put the front element into the back one (unless the back one is not a container).
- Moved everything from 2001 and earlier to the History page.
December 2, 2002
- Updated Change Case to restore the selection afterwards and turn off the case styles.
November 27, 2002
- New Creator 6 Snippet (Both): Change Case has three scripts that permanently change the case of selected text.
November 20, 2002
- New Creator 6 Snippet (Windows): Move Set to Front swaps a given paper size set with the first one in the list.
November 18, 2002
- Added a download of all scripts that should have been included with Creator 6.5.2 for Windows. (Apparently some didn't make it into the installer.)
November 15, 2002
- Split Creator 6 Snippets into Windows and Mac lists.
- New Creator 6 Snippet (Both): Equally Space puts a given amount of space between all of the selected elements. It doesn't work well on transformed elements, unfortunately.
- New Creator 6 Snippet (Mac): Lock Page Numbers fixes the page numbers so you can rearrange pages without changing the numbering.
- Updated Creator 6 Snippet (Mac): Booklet Print now locks page numbers before rearranging pages.
October 29, 2002
- New Creator Snippet: Fix Graphic Scales fixes a possible graphic resizing problem by averaging the horizontal and vertical scale of the selected graphic elements. This is a Windows version; a Mac version is available from Steve Mills' mac.com page.
August 22, 2002
- New Creator Snippet: Backup Creator Prefs exports Creator 6.5 preferences from the Windows registry.
- New Windows Snippet: Toggle Preview Extension turns on and off the Windows XP Preview extension. (I find it annoying when editing graphics.)
June 26, 2002
- New Creator Snippet: Color Replacer 2 searches a Creator 6 document, replacing all references to one color with another color. Not fully tested; please report any problems you have.
June 5, 2002
- New Creator Snippet: Open in C6 opens files in C6, serving your C2 document conversion needs.
October 26, 2002
- New Creator Snippet: Document Sizes Manager lets you save and load your document sizes
- New Creator Snippet: Change to C6 Document changes files to have the File Type and Creator Code of a C6 document.
- New Creator Snippet: Proportional Resize includes a pair of scripts to let you proportionally resize elements based on their width or height.
- New Creator Snippet: Select None deselects everything in the document.
October 17, 2002
- Started (finally!) updating the Creator snippets to Creator 6 versions.
September 11, 2001
- Our hopes and prayers are with everyone affected by today's attacks on the East Coast.
August 24, 2001
- New Creator Snippet: V Text Selection makes a v or ^ out of text using vertical offsets. It's based on the Stairstep Text Selection script that comes with Creator.
June 10, 2001
- New Snippet: ESG MathLib updated to version 1.1. Now with Documentation!
- New Snippet: Map provides two script objects that you can use to relate data at runtime.
May 4, 2001
- New FaceSpan Snippet: Dynamic Popups shows how to fill in a popup from a list of records.
- Our FaceSpan Mailing List archive has been updated with all posts through May 2.
April 4, 2001
- Added a new section to the Snippets page for scripts that work with Multi-Ad Creator2 and the upcoming Creator 6. The first set of scripts are:
- Booklet Print, which rearranges the pages in a facing pages document so you can print them as a booklet.
- CharCodes, which shows what characters C2 uses for block breaks, quads, tabs, returns, and newlines.
- Color Replacer, which swaps two colors.
- Convert Colors, which changes colors from process to spot or back.
- Open Basic Shapes, which opens the Basic Shapes document included with C2.
- Reset Group Handles, which is self-explanatory.
- Select All With Element Style, also self-explanatory.
- Swap Pastes, which swaps the key equivalents for Paste and Paste in Place.
- Toggle Path Openness, which will close an opened path or open a closed path.
- New FaceSpan Snippet: Highlight shows some ways to try to draw attention to what should be done next.
February 14, 2001
- New Snippet: Permutate returns all arrangements of items in a list.
January 29, 2001
- New FaceSpan Snippet: Select All In Text shows how to implement the select all commands on textboxes. This snippet was written by Charles Booker. Thanks!
- New Snippet: ESG MathLib contains a collection of math functions.
December 14, 2000
- New FaceSpan Snippet: Outline File List uses some creative programming and the List with Metas form to create a hierarchical list.
December 12, 2000
- Updated AppleScript Snippet: UnScientificNotate now properly handles decimal marks from various number systems and includes a new version of RoundToPrecision which fixes some bugs and handles some types of misrepresented numbers properly.
December 5, 2000
- New AppleScript Snippet: Find Intersecting Point looks up the intersection of a circle and a line radiating from that circle's center point.
December 3, 2000
November 15, 2000
- New section on adding scripting support to Windows apps through COM and the ATL.
- New COM Snippet: ArrayToArrayOfVariants() converts a SAFEARRAY of one of the basic types into a SAFEARRAY of VARIANTs that contain that data.
- MailMaster 1.0.4 released, complete with source code!
- The FaceSpan Mailing List Archive has been updated through today and is available on the snippets page.
October 19, 2000
- The ESG Framework has been moved to its own page, separating it from the Snippets.
October 18, 2000
- New AppleScript Snippet: Find Number In Text tries to do exactly that.
- Automation Station 1.3.1 is now available for downloading on its page, and the source is available on the Snippets page. This version removes its dependence on Sandi's Additions!
- If you'd like to share a Snippet with the world, we'll be happy to post it for you. Check out the Snippets page for more info.
September 24, 2000
- Blobs 1.0b1 is now available for downloading on the Blobs page.
August 29, 2000
- New FaceSpan Snippet: Progress is a self-contained progress bar in a window. It could probably use some more features, but the basics are there.
- New AppleScript Snippet: Continue shows how the continue command works in AppleScript.
June 30, 2000
- New Snippet: File Drop shows how to take dropped items from the Finder, keep them in a listbox, then do some action on the selected ones.
June 8, 2000
- Updated the Framework to 1.0b3. Many things have changed or been fixed in this version. The new version is available in the Snippets section.
- Released version 1.3 of Automation Station. AmSt is now based on the Framework, and the source is also available (in the Snippets section) as an example of how to use the Framework.
- Added a Scripting Services section.
- Added a section for Blobs, a whimsical board game.
- Moved to our new home at esglabs.com.
- Removed frames from the site.
- Fixed many other small HTML and graphics issues.
March 1, 2000
- New Snippet: Text Styler is an example of how to make buttons that turn on and off text styles.
February 2, 2000
- New Snippet: Color Picker is an RGB color picker in a FaceSpan window.
February 1, 2000
- On the snippets page there's a new version of the Unofficial FaceSpan FAQ, now in HTML!
January 19, 2000
- Updated Snippet: UnScientificNotate should properly handle negative values.
January 4, 2000
- New Snippet: File List shows how to take names from the Finder and put them in a listbox.
December 10, 1999
- Updated the ESG Framework and its support files to 1.0b2.
December 6, 1999
- Added the ESG Framework 1.0b1 to the FaceSpan Snippets page.
- Added the Alias Method, an example of using the ESG Framework.
- Changed Command Line to a FaceSpan project (it was an application).
December 3, 1999
- Added an archive of the FaceSpan Mailing List. This archive goes from 8/6/98 through today.
- A question about storage items was added to the Unofficial FaceSpan FAQ.
December 2, 1999
- New Snippet: "XOR" does a bitwise exclusive-OR between two positive integers.
November 29, 1999
- New Snippet: "Version Converter" converts between three forms of Mac version numbers.
November 24, 1999
- New Snippet: "UnScientificNotate" takes reals and changes them to fully-written out strings.
November 4, 1999
- New Snippet: "Password Utils" encodes and decodes passwords for you.
October 30, 1999
- MidiMaze Utilities updated to version 1.3. New in this version: You can make Freeware Mazes that work!
October 4, 1999
- New Snippet: "Command Line" will take one line of AppleScript and execute it on the fly.
September 17, 1999
- Updated "An Unofficial FaceSpan FAQ" (1.0)
- New Snippet: "Busy Cursor" shows how to spin the watch.
September 15, 1999
- MailMaster 1.0.3 released to fix a few minor bugs.
September 12, 1999
- New Application! The Automation Station is a little app that combines automatically logging into Netscape with a CD player and a reopen Filemaker Database feature.
- New snippet: "Text Scroll Demo", on how to ensure certain text is showing in your text box.
August 30, 1999
- MidiMaze Utilities 32, version 1.1 released! It fixes a couple small bugs from MMUtil32 1.0.
- Added a MidiMaze II maze pack, converted from various files from the Internet.
August 24, 1999
- Added a Stack script object to the Snippets page.
August 10, 1999
- Finally! A new version of the MidiMaze Utilities. This one fixes many bugs, but it also is a Win32 Console application (requires Win95/NT).
- Added a new FaceSpan Snippet: SI Script Objects. This one brushes on using script objects in Storage Items.
August 9, 1999
Added a new FaceSpan Snippet: Timeout. It shows you how to have a FaceSpan window close after a set amount of time.
August 6, 1999
Many things have been added to the Snippets page.
August 4, 1999
Added an example FS script set to show a way to handle the changes property. "Changes Example" is available from the Snippets.
Added a little script app called DeExpander to the FS Snippets Page. This app closes all the "twistie" triangles in a Finder List View window.
July 23, 1999
The MailMaster plug-in spec has been updated again.
July 22, 1999
The MailMaster page has been updated with an overview of script plug-ins for MailMaster 1.1. Also, the archive has been updated (I forgot to reset the index counter to 1 in Define Fields).
July 21, 1999
Added the MailMaster.
January 4, 1999
Redid the site, removing outdated information. Added prototype for FaceSpan Snippets page.
Thanks for stopping in!